
The GDI publishes book series comprised of the GDI funded research projects and the research of the GDI’s faculty. 

International Development Cooperation of Japan and South Korea:
New Strategies for an Uncertain World

Contents of the Book

[Part 1] Policy Rationale and Evolution of the Development Institutions

[Part 2] Role of Private Sectors in Development Cooperation

[Part 3] Emerging Agendas and New Challenges for International Development

Singapore Revisited
: Analysis of political and administrative system in Singapore

Contents of the Book

Ch1. Why Singapore?
Ch2. The Geography and Natural Environment of Singapore
Ch3. The Historical Context of Singapore
Ch4. The Values of Singapore
Ch5. Meritocracy and Elitism in Singapore
Ch6. Pragmatism in Singapore
Ch7. The Value of Singapore''s Nationalism
Ch8. Singapore's Consciousness of Minor Power, National Security, and Crisis
Ch9. Elitism, Political and Administrative Systems in Singapore
Ch10. The Values of Multiculture and Diversity in Singapore
Ch11. The Challenges and Future of Singapore
Ch12. Singapore's Implications for Korea 

The Korean Government and Public Policies in a Development Nexus, Volume 1

Contents of the Book

Ch1. Introduction: The Role of Government in Korea's Economic and Social Transition

[Part 1] Government and Coordination for Development
Ch2. Institutional Presidency and National Development
Ch3. Managing Economic Policy and Coordination: A Saga of the Economic Planning Board
Ch4. Bureaucratic Power and Government Competitiveness

[Part 2] Public Policies for Development
Ch5. Governing the Developmental Welfare State: From Regulation to Provision
Ch6. Trade Policy for Development: Paradigm Shift from Mercantilism to Liberalism
Ch7. Educational Policy, Development of Education, and Economic Growth in Korea

The Korean Government and Public Policies in a Development Nexus, Volume 2

Contents of the Book

Ch1. Introduction

[Part 1] Policy Environment and Governance
Ch2. Changes in the Political, Social and Economic Environment of Public Policy in South Korea After the 1980s
Ch3. Leaving Behind the Developmental State: The Changing Rationale of Governance in Korean
Ch4. The State-Civil Society Relationships in Korea

[Part 2] Public Policies Beyond the Developmental State Paradigm
Ch5. The National Innovation System (NIS) for the Catch-Up and the Post-catch-up States in South Korea
Ch6. From the Developmental to the Universal Welfare State: Lost in Transition?
Ch7. South Korea’s Policy Responses to the Changing Trade Environment in the Post-Uruguay Round Period
Ch8. The Challenges of Foreign Policy and Suggestions for Future Responses
Ch9. Conclusion

Sustainable Development and Public Administration
: Case Studies of Developing Countries

Contents of the Book

[Part 1] 개발도상국 발전을 위한 국가의 기능과 역할

[Part 2] 개발도상국 사례연구
Ch1. 인도네시아의 지방분권화에 따른 중앙-지방정부 간 재정관계와 지방공공서비스의 향상
Ch2. 베트남의 지방정부와 지방분권
Ch3.  사회보호제도 도입을 위한 필리핀의 거버넌스 개혁
Ch4. 경제위기 이후 캄보디아 정부의 정책과 사회발전 과제
Ch5. 태국과 한국의 무역정책 비교연구: 발전지향적 무역정책의 다양성 관점에서
Ch6. 싱가포르의 실용주의에 대한 비판적 검토
Ch7.  탄자니아 행정조직 및 행정개혁 사례연구
Ch8. 우간다의 정책조정 환경과 행정개혁
Ch9. 콜롬비아의 전자정부 추진을 위한 거버넌스 체계: 제도적 접근